Sunday, March 7, 2010

Iona Park in winning style

Congratulations Iona Park Austintatious and Maree Garrett

Austin and Maree attended milton show at the weekend.. and were EXTREMELY successful!

Austin was placed the following:
1st Riding Pony Gelding -CHAMPION Riding Pony exhibit
1st Arabian Derivative Pony Gelding -CHAMPION Arabian Derivative
1st Buckskin Gelding -CHAMPION Buckskin Exhibit
2nd ASP gelding -Reserve Champ ASP
2nd Part Bred APSB -Reserve Champ Part Bred APSB

Austin was also awarded 2 SUPREME'S in both ring 2 and ring 3

We are so proud of them both and look forward to seeing their results at Sydney Royal 2010

Iona Park Show Team

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